Sunday, January 19, 2025

Streaker runs onto field during rain delay at Nationals Park, hides in tarp roller to avoid security




A rain delay can be a tad boring during an MLB game, but in Washington D.C. last night, fans at Nationals Park had some odd entertainment when a storm rolled through the area.

During Wednesday’s game between the Reds and Nationals, a streaker decided to have a little bit of fun during a rain delay. The man ran onto the field at Nationals Park and proceeded to slide all over the tarp as the action was halted by the weather.

But that wasn’t where the situation ended.

Once security staff ran out to try and wrangle the streaker, he decided to climb into the hollow roller that the tarp is usually housed on. It let to stadium staff looking through both ends of the roller, trying to see which end the streaker was near.

After a few seconds, security staff was able to get ahold of the streaker. As you can see in the photo below, the weather was still quite bad while this was all happening.


This guy was a breed of his own. He had a plan and was vigilant enough to climb into the roller in order to evade capture for a few seconds. Those who run on the field are never able to escape the security staff for too long, but this man certainly gave fans at Nationals Park a hilarious moment that they won’t soon forget.

The rain delay ended up lasting for another two-and-a-half hours and the game was eventually suspended at 11:35 p.m. ET.


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